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Vascanox HP - 60 Capsules | Calroy


Nitric oxide is a powerful endothelial-derived compound responsible for relaxing and dilating the blood vessels and thereby improving blood circulation. Its discovery in 1998 by three scientists led them to win The Nobel Prize.

The body produces Nitric oxide(NO) through two biochemical pathways; the first by way of the enzyme Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) in the endothelial lining, which converts the amino acid L-arginine to NO. The second via the Nitrate-Nitrite-NO pathway, in which dietary nitrates found in green leafy vegetables are converted into nitrite by oral bacteria and then once swallowed via the saliva, a part of the nitrite is chemically reduced to nitric oxide. 
Both pathways leading to NO production are vulnerable to our modern diet and lifestyle effects, as well it is not  possible to supplement NO directly. 

Vascanox HP®" is a proprietary blend Noxa24®,  containing curated selection of synergistic plant compounds. In addition to potassium nitrate, a precursor for nitric oxide, a blend with polyphenols and antioxidant activities supports the entire biotransformation process for nitric oxide to support the natural production via both pathways, storage, and release of nitric oxide.

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