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Fructose Digest with Xylose Isomerase - 60 Capsules | Omne Diem


Fructose Malabsorption can be a real pain in the gut. OmneDiem™ Fructose Digest can help!

Excess fructose in the diet can lead to digestive discomfort, elevated blood lipid levels, and other healthcare concerns. Diem Fructose Digest provides xylose isomerase, a natural supplement form of the enzyme that converts fructose to glucose in the small intestine.

OmneDiem Fructose Digest which supplies Xylose Isomerase (XI). Avoiding fructose-laden foods and adhering to a low FODMAP1 diet can be difficult, inconvenient, limiting and less pleasurable. Therefore, Diem Fructose Digest is the best option for managing fructose malabsorption.

OmneDiem™ Fructose Digest (Xylose Isomerase) provides the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of poorly absorbable fructose into well-absorbable glucose in the human intestine. Presented in a patented designed-release capsule to ensure enteric delivery, Fructose Digest supports the conversion of dietary fructose to defend against the discomfort of malabsorption reactions.

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Omne Diem