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FissureHeal Suppositories – Box of 12 | Imix Nutrition


A natural, effective alternative to steroid suppositories; helps soothe and heal anal fissures.

Ultra-thin (1/6" or 3.5 mm in diameter) for easy insertion into sore or traumatized rectum. Extra-long (2 inches) to reach a fissure even high up in the rectal canal. Or, each suppository can be broken into 2 or 3 suppositories if fissure is closer to anus.

People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease often suffer from anal and/or rectal fissures. Also, postpartum women, the elderly, or people with severe constipation can suffer anal or rectal tearing. FissureHeal suppositories are composed of the most effective herbal ingredients to assist in healing these tears and fissures.

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